Hotel Atmospheres Paris

Special Offers

Hotel Atmospheres Paris

Best Rate Guarantee - Flexible Offer

  • 24H Cancellation
  • Sales Conditions
  • Continental Breakfast is included
  • VAT and services included
  • City tax 8,13 euros per person and per night to be paid at the hotel
  • Cancellation policy
  • Cancellation is free of charge up until 24hrs prior to arrival
  • In case of late cancellation or No-Show, the first night will be 100% debited by the hotet
  • Prepayment Is not required
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Hotel Atmospheres Paris

Best Rate Guarantee - Non refundable

  • Non Refundable
  • Sales Conditions
  • Continental Breakfast is included
  • VAT and services included
  • City tax 8,13 euros per person and per night to be paid at the hotel
  • Prepayment
  • Reservation cannot be cancelled, it is non exchangeable nor refundable
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